Sunday, July 14, 2013

Thankful for this Life

I've been feeling very blessed lately--and for no particular reason. My birthday is coming up in a few weeks and I've been thinking about everything I've accomplished in these 25 years I've been alive. I feel like I've accomplished more than most people my age--in the sense of being married for 5 years and counting, having two kids, having owned a condo, owning a house--I live a very good life. This is not me bragging or rubbing it in anyone's face; rather, its me being thankful for everything I've been given.

Nowadays, it seems like there isn't much of a family sense anymore; everyone gets divorced without even trying to work out their problems. People cheat--and you know what? That makes me even more thankful for Joe and the amazing 5 years we've been married. Nobody is perfect, and everyone has their issues--but I can honestly say that we rarely fight and have an amazing relationship. He is such an amazing dad to Maverick and Madison (where nowadays it seems like all I ever hear is "my husband wont stop playing video games to play with our kids" or "my husband would rather be out with his friends than stay at home with his family.") This makes me so sad. Joe and I love spending time together! Sure, we have our separate hobbies; he goes golfing with his friends, and I go get pedicures and shop at Hobby Lobby. But at the end of the day, he's the one who I want to spend time with and he comes before anyone else.

I seem to have this 'mom thing' down. I am far from the perfect mom, but we have our routines and it seems to be going great. My kids are such happy little kids, and that's what's most important. They are always smiling and laughing (okay--when they aren't fighting), and they are well-behaved and have good manners. I had friends who's kids were awful to be around, therefore I no longer hang out with them. Its so sad when people let their kids rule the household--that is NOT the way its supposed to go. Kids need structure and routines--not to be able to boss the parents around and run the world. I honestly feel sorry for those kids--because when they start school, no one is going to want to play with them because they're too bossy. Take control of your kids before its too late. Its better to do damage control now than when they're teenagers. I don't have perfect kids; they throw fits, hit, bite, scream--but I don't allow it and there are repercussions for their actions. This whole 'parenting' thing is basically a big game of trial and error--just don'
t give up on it. Find what works for you and your kids and go with it. Don't let them just run wild. We've all seen those kids at the store, and guaranteed we all roll our eyes at them.

Most importantly, try not to compare your life to someone else--NO ONE knows another person's true story and you don't know the struggles they took to get to that place. Perfect example: a few months ago, Joe and I took the kids to Target. We put them in the shopping cart and went in the store. Within minutes they were both screaming and crying for no reason at all. We nipped it in the bud and stopped it quickly. Right after they stopped crying, a dad walked into the store with a screaming toddler in his shopping cart. Looking frantic, he looked over at Maverick and Madison, looked back at his son, and said "look--THEY'RE not crying! Why can't you be well-behaved like them?!" ...if only that guy had been in the store 2 minutes prior, they would have seen that we were all in the same boat. Don't assume that someone has it better than you because they have well behaved kids, a big house, lots of money, etc. That stuff doesn't matter, and it could change at any minute. Be thankful for what you have, and cherish it while you have it. That brings me back to the reason for this post: talking to friends recently, even they have commented on what a great life I have--and I have to agree with them. Talking outwardly about it I tend to downplay it because I don't want to seem like I'm bragging, but you know what? I absolutely love my life. I'm married to my best friend, we have our beautiful kids that we are enjoying watching grow up, and I have an amazing house that I feel blessed to live in. Some of you may think that I "wish I had two arms" --but I don't. Really. Ever. Everything I've been through has gotten me to where I am today--and where I am today is pretty amazing.

Don't be ashamed to be thankful for everything you've been given. It all could change in the blink of an eye, so appreciate it while you can. Just some food for thought <3 

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