Saturday, June 29, 2013

Zucchini Chips

Do you have problems getting your kids to eat vegetables? Well fret no more--I have the perfect solution. What kid doesn't like eating chips?! None. Well, I'm sure there's a weird kid out there that doesn't, but this blog isn't for them.

The other day, my friend came over and gave me this gigantic zucchini that her brother's wife grew in her garden. I don't think I had ever seen a zucchini this big--it was almost as big as her 7-month-old son! This thing was huge--and I needed to think of a way to use the whole thing up before it went bad. And then I remembered that I had pinned something on Pinterest about making your own chips. Boom--sold. I love chips, but since I'm always watching what I'm eating now, I usually only eat them on special occasions. Well, not anymore! I could eat these things all day; they're delicious, and SO easy to make! They're time consuming to make (in the sense that it takes them a while to cook in the oven), but the actual prep work goes fast.

Do you see how big this thing is?!

Here's what you'll need:
-however many zucchinis you want (I suggest buying bigger zucchinis; they shrink a lot!)
-olive oil
-salt (I used kosher salt)

Slice them up real thin...

Blot with a paper towel then lay out on baking sheet...

Brush with olive oil then sprinkle with salt...

Preheat your oven to 225* degrees. Slice your zucchinis very thin, then sandwich between paper towels to remove the excess moisture. Line up on a baking sheet (I suggest using parchment paper; my first batch baked right onto the cookie sheet and I had to scrape them off). Brush with olive oil then sprinkle with salt. Bake at 225* for 2+ hours until they are dry and crisp. (Once they are out of the oven and cooled, I'd recommend placing them on a paper towel to soak up any excess olive oil).

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