Thursday, June 13, 2013

Time for some accountability...

I think its time for another fitness post. This one I'm dedicating to my progress and holding myself accountable. I started the year off weighing 140.5 pounds and I am currently weighing in at 125.3 pounds. Yes--I just shared my weight. My theory: if I worked hard at it, why should I be embarrassed about it? Nowadays its such a taboo thing to talk about--people get seriously offended if you ask them their weight. Why? Most likely because they aren't happy with it, therefore don't want to share it. Any random stranger could walk up to me on the street and ask me my weight and I would'n't be offended in the slightest. If you work hard for something and that hard work pays off, you should absolutely be proud of it! I'm not saying that I have the perfect body--that's actually the furthest thing from the truth. I'd love to be more toned, have amazing abs, and a boob job (that'll eventually happen.. eventually). But you know what? I'm okay with how I look right now. I'm a mother of two--I think I'm looking pretty good just based on that fact alone.

However, I've been slacking. I was on a crazy gym spree for the first 4 months of the year--and then I hit my goal of 127 pounds--and my motivation dissipated. I have no idea what happened--I was so motivated--going to the gym every single day (I didn't get burnt out--I actually loved going). I've still been losing weight, but I'm sad to say that that is probably muscle that I'm losing. I need to start getting back into the gym--especially since Joe got a new job and I no longer have a free gym membership: I'm now a paying-member of the gym. If I'm not going, then I'm basically throwing my money away every month--and I'm a penny pincher and hate doing that. I think that's where my problem started: Joe got a new job and the hours are different than they were, so its harder for me to get to the gym in the morning before he goes to work. I could easily go and workout after he gets home from work, but I usually have ZERO energy at the end of the day, so I end up skipping it. That's not okay. Its not Joe's fault by any means--its my laziness that gets the best of me. 

That's where you guys can come in. For a while I was getting daily emails asking what my secret was to losing weight because everyone could see how motivated I was. I've since stopped getting those emails, and I'm not surprised. I need you guys blowing up my phone at the end of the day: Are you going to the gym tonight? Are you working out right now? What workout did you do tonight? Anything. This momma wants to tone up! So now: some accountability pictures. These are embarrassing but necessary. Most of you have seen these, but a lot of you haven't.

This was January 2, 2013
This was March 2, 2013
This was Christmas Day 2012--how come no one told me I looked pregnant?!
This was last weekend at the Wine Festival

...and just for accountability, this picture was taken this morning

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