Friday, June 14, 2013


I'm dedicating this post today to my bestest friend Megan.. she drove in from Arizona just so she can see me (okay okay--maybe I'm not the only reason.. maybe she wants to spend Father's Day with her dad and family.. maybe). Lets get a little back story of our friendship. We were BEST friends throughout middle school; I have so many amazing memories with her: going to the movies with her for my first time without an adult, sitting in my room listening to the radio and hoping they'd play the songs we had called in and requested--there's too many to list. Somewhere in high school we lost touch--until a few months after I had Madison and I got a friend request from her on Facebook. I hadn't seen her in forever, and I was SO excited that she found me. Turned out that she had a daughter exactly one week after I had Madison--so we already had a ton in common from that point on. What I didn't know is that we basically lived the same life: we had babies the same age, we are both obsessed with the holidays, we have the same sense of humor--everything was just like it was back in middle school--except we were adults now. We started texting each other shortly after she found me on Facebook, and that occasional texting turned into daily texts very quickly--she was my best friend again!! She lives in Arizona so we aren't able to see each other all that often, but when we do, we just pick up right where we left off.

And then I found out that she loves baking just as much as me. This girl is literally living my life! On one of her trips out here, we decided that we would start "Cupcake Wars" --a friendly competition of who can decorate the cuter cupcake. We get together, decorate our cupcakes, then post the pictures on Facebook and Instagram for everyone to see and cast their votes. It's so much fun! Our first competition we didn't have a theme we were going for--we just left it open to whatever we wanted to make. She ended up making an apple-pie lookalike cupcake, and I made a ladybug. She blew me out of the water with that one--funny story though: a few nights prior, I asked Joe whether I should make the apple pie or the ladybug. Joe told me to make the ladybug--it would definitely win. Thanks a lot Joe. Funny though--cause had I not taken his advise, Megan and I would have made the exact same cupcakes. We'll call that "coincidence #1."

If I could have voted, I would have picked her apple pie cupcake too ;)

For our second cupcake war, we decided that since we were doing it around Christmastime, we would do a Christmas theme. I found a reindeer cupcake idea on Pinterest and knew I would win with it. The day of the cupcake war came, and Megan got here and asked if she could borrow a specific ingredient that was used to make the reindeer cupcake that I was making (cocoa powder to give the frosting a light brown coloring). We then figured out that we were making the same cupcakes--"coincidence #2." That's crazy--out of the thousands of different cupcakes we both could have made, we both chose the same ones (basically two times in a row--I just changed my mind last minute with the ladybug). If that doesn't show how alike our personalities are, then I don't know what does. We were cracking up--to us, this was hilarious. Then we got really competitive and kept saying that "my reindeer is going to be cuter!" This competition I won--but not by a lot. Megan's is on the right, and mine is on the left. A few people said that mine looked like a bear--and I can totally see that. 

I barely won this one!

So that brings us to today: Cupcake War #3--the tie breaker. I'm totally going to win (fingers crossed!). We decided to not have a theme this time--we said it could be anything so that we wouldn't end up making the same cupcake. You know what though? We ended up choosing the same theme--but thankfully not the same cupcake. Check our competition out on Facebook or Instagram (kheezy08) around 2:00pm to cast your vote--I'm excited! May the cutest cupcake win--and I can't wait to win ;)


  1. OH MY GOOOOSH!!! I LOVE YOU! hahaha this had me crackin up! But on your big girl pants ITS ON WOMAN! see you soon, literally CANNOT wait to see you!! (and I actually did come out here mainly for you! :P
    -Cupcake 2013 champ... I mean Megan :D


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